
Monday, August 29, 2011

The VIEWnet Exclusive Referral Scheme

Almost all of our customers know that there is a scheme called the ‘Exclusive Referral Offer’. But we are still getting calls from people seeking clarification and some misunderstanding customers who demand we give them a free mosquito net. The Getting started guide in your VIEWnet carton has all the details; nevertheless I’d elaborate a bit on it.

When you buy a new VIEWnet (of any size), you’ll find a ‘Quick Start Guide’ inside the carton which has instructions on how to use the VIEWnet. Along with it you’d find a registration form attached.  Fill up your details in the appropriate places. (Fill in the bar code and all the details marked *) Below it you’d see space given for 6 address. Fill in the details of people who would be interested in buying VIEWnet. You could write upto 10 such addresses and send it to us. (Write them on a paper or on the back side of the form)
Note that you have to fill in all details marked * or that address would be considered invalid.

We would send a letter stating your reference and details about VIEWnet to each of this address. If they are interested and buy from us they’d be sent a VIEWnet. If 6 of your references buy a mosquito net, you can claim a single size VIEWnet. If 8 or more buy you can claim a double size VIEWnet.
E.g. If you give us 10 addresses and only 2 buy the mosquito nets you won’t get a VIEWnet. But if you sent only 6 addresses and all of them buy nets you can have a single net.

If an address is recommended by more than one person, it would be taken on first come basis. This offer is not applicable if you buy all the 10 mosquito nets yourself. Yhis is strictly a referral scheme.

NOTE: Please write legibly or in CAPS.